Almost there

We are so thrilled to announce to you guys some big stuff and some smaller ones but you will have to be patient. We are trying to get the best out of these upcoming updates and that is why we can’t reveal much right now.

This week we have been busy with testing and fixing some old bugs. Not just bugs, a lot of things have been changed or adjusted to match the level of quality that we want to accomplish. From time to time we go back to features that we already added and make sure that they are perfect.

Besides testing, fixing, and adjusting we have something special going on. As we said, it would be an honor to tell you guys what it is all about but it is not the right moment. Once we make it perfect you will be immediately updated with some juicy stuff.

We will continue to develop and you guys stay tuned. If you want to receive news as soon as possible subscribe to the newsletter and don’t let anything slips away.

What an end it would be without a little chaos. Here is a short gameplay video of the last version of Chaos on Wheels.

The new version of the game has been uploaded on for you to try it or wishlist it on Steam.

That is all for this week. Stay awesome and see you guys next week.