New version of Chaos on wheels

Chaos on Wheels has got to the stage of Pre-alpha! We are happy to announce that version v0.6.1.0. Pre-Alpha is out and with it new Main Menu level. Check out some cool images of it underneath. 

Now that we’re created the Pre-Alpha version, we are ready to create the Steam store page and the Demo build is closer. 
We still have to add so many things to have Demo, some of them are better car handling, tutorial, storytelling screen, AI Truck, driver’s voice, and many many more. We also plan on doing HUD redesign, game optimization, and gameplay balancing. Stay tuned and keep an eye on the weekly update!

Development Roadmap

We’re planning to release an official roadmap soon, with all expected features until Early Access, and even some after it. We’d like to add more stuff to the roadmap but we’ll need your help with that. Stay tuned for Demo!

Gameplay preview

Take a look at our short gameplay preview videos from the Pre-Alpha stage.


That is all for this weekly update. Be awesome, stay tuned, and see you next week with more updates!