Minor update for Chaos on Wheels

Health Scanner (Health bars)

Honestly, we haven’t had in plan adding healthbars in Chaos on Wheels, but as many of you requested and suggested it, we decided to implement it. To make it more interesting, we added it as a equipment. Similar to the radar, Health Scanner is available to purchase in Market and Black Market as a “monthly” subscription. There are 4 main types of Health Scanners, each with two subcategories (Basic, Premium). Each type is defined by scanning radius, so we have Local, 4G, MASA, and StarX. Basic Health Scanner is showing health of only basic enemies, depending on the Game Mode, but Premium Health Scanner shows it all.

Car Damage Effects

Something we had in the previous version but it lacked some polish, so we decided to make it in this one. Car damage effects work simply, when the car gets damaged it gets scratched, and when it gets damaged enough, it starts to smoke from under the hood. And when a car gets really damaged, fire on the hood catches on. So watch out for the smoke, on you and on the others 😉

Custom Car Name in Career

We know we like to name our cars with our custom names, and we would like to give that option to you too. Head out to Chaos Career and name your car anyway you want. 

Fixed AI Spamming Homing Missiles

One of the issues with the AI was that they sometimes spam those damn Homing Missiles, but luckily that has come to an end. We rebalanced the usage of Homing Missiles and now bots won’t spam them.

Balancing & small fixes

As we mentioned some of the significant features above, don’t worry we have dome many minors, and of course some game balancing.

We’re currently working on the next big milestone, the “Immersion update”, so stay tuned and happy destroying! 🔥

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