The February update for Chaos on Wheels is here.
As the demo’s release is closing in, we’ve focused our efforts on polishing, improving, balancing, and ensuring the highest quality.
Check out some of the updates we did 👇
Helios' support bots

We wouldn’t be fair if we don’t give Helios his support cars something awesome, right? So, here it is. Freshly build from the Helios Army’s factory. Futuristic self-driving car armed with two heavy machine guns, a missile launcher, one badass turret, reinforced carbon chassis, a custom build electric engine, and a huge mainframe to power it all. ⚡
Cliffs - Revamp
In our goal to improve our maps, based on your feedback, Cliffs got a new look. We added more stuff to destroy, widen some routes, improve the layout, and much more.
“Deep in the red landscape lays a labyrinth of high cliffs where your chance to survive is dangerously low.”
Helios - Upgrade

It’s been a long time since Helios got some upgrades, so we decided to give him some. We attached a killplow in front, and trust me, you won’t like what happens if you get in its way. Helios also got two flamethrowers. One on each side of the trailer. Don’t come too close, or you’ll really be burned down. 🔥
AI - Upgrade

We’re killing it with AI upgrades, and we have to admit, we believe you’ll like it as well. AIs are now way smarter, and optimized. We actually enjoy fighting against them. Sit tight for few more weeks, and you’ll be able to find out how fun bots are. 😋
We improved AIs pathfinding, target selecting logic, aiming, rocket management, and some other smaller things.
What do you think about this “behind the scenes” image? 🤔 Would you like to see more of them?
other improvements
We made a lot of minor improvements but there is nothing much to say so we will only name a few of them.
- New VFX for driver ability Weapon cooldown
- Added SFX for all pickups
- Added SFX for all rewards
- Voice over for driver Money
- Voice over for driver Boss
- Balancing
- Adjusted car handling
- Fixed Toxic ammo multi-barrel VFX
- …and more
Let us know what you think about our update on Discord and don’t forget to sign up for Beta 👇
That’s it for this month! Stay awesome, like our stuff, and don’t forget; leave nothing but chaos!
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