Please welcome a new member of the Chaos πŸ’₯ crew. Nicole “Dear” Green arrived just in time to kick some butts 🀭.

She is dear and nice to everybody which is why she got the nickname “Dear”.

Her driver ability is time ⏳ manipulation. She is able to slow the time so she can perfectly aim 🎯 her target or get easily from sticky situations.
With the monstrous Trex 🚘 car, she will perfectly suit into Chaos crew to fight Helios’s army πŸ’€.

🌟 Get to know Dear better in the Early Access! 🌟

Let us know what you think about our new driver on Discord and don’t forget to sign up for Beta πŸ‘‡


That’s it for this week! Stay awesome, like our stuff, and don’t forget; leave nothing but chaos! πŸ’₯

Wishlist Chaos on Wheels on Steam 🌠

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