First Multiplayer Test

A long-awaited feature has come to the initial testing phase. Our main goal for this test was to check connection and drivability. Our expectations were some issues but the results were better than we thought so we give a try to the combat as well. Combat also worked like charm, and we had a lot of fun.
We first tried Co-op. It’s so much more fun to destroy those turrets with friends. We simply could not resist trying out 1 v 1. I won of course 😎😉😝

It was so intense, and so much fun, we can’t wait for you guys to get your hands on it. Unfortunately, it will take some time to get it ready for public testing, but until then, check out video of our testing down below 👇
Let us know in the comment what you think.

Wishlist it on Steam 🌠
Stay awesome, like our stuff, and don’t forget; leave nothing but chaos! 💥


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