Customize your chaos car

Have you ever dreamed of having a specialized garage where you could work on your dream car?
We got you covered!
In our garage, you could customize your car easily, and we even make it one step further – now you can attach armor and weapons to your dream car!

In our garage besides wrenches and screws, you have projectiles, advanced combat systems, and anti-projectile armor plates.


First, select your car. Don’t worry, we got more than 30 cars to choose from, your favorite will probably be there. Maybe it will be locked, but hey, if fighting and having fun for your dream car is all it takes, it doesn’t sound that much to ask. And if it isn’t there, write us and we will do our best to include it in one of our updates.



Right after you choose your car, set some armor on it, upgrade its weapons, equip some gadgets.
Add minesweeper and mines won’t bother you.
Attach missile defense system and increase your chances against the enemy missiles. 
Reinforce your tires and don’t worry about sharp items cuz’ your tires go everywhere

Add radar and keep track of many, many useful things. 
Select your favorites, experiment with them, find the best combinations from upgrades we have, and many upgrades that will come. 
And now your car is ready for visual customization.



Visual customization – so your car isn’t just a beast inside. With our visual customization, make your beast look the way it should. Make it tough so everybody knows with who they have problems. Or make a surprise to your opponents, make it look like a barbie car, but with the hidden rocket launcher and dual machine guns. 



When you’re finished, jump to the game and make some Chaos!